christmas has come and gone, and with it, so too has snowflake.
our last 10 days with her and gray kitty looked a little like this:
day 16: snowflake and gray kitty were simply hanging out on a wreath at the bottom of the stairs. still, it took harper a bit of looking to find them. sometimes the most obvious is the least obvious, or something like that ...
day 17: snowflake and gray kitty were battling each other in a heated game of "guess who" in the basement.
day 18: they decided to hang out on the silver bells that adorned the banister. glad they didn't swing on them ... that would have been a little noisy.
day 19: a warm, snuggly hiding place.
day 20: time for snowflake and gray kitty to get fancied up and decorate the barbie tree.
day 21: somehow harper missed this on her dresser first thing in the morning, but snowflake and gray kitty left her a little impression of themselves.
day 22: they were there first thing in the morning, to greet harper when she went to brush her teeth.
day 23: snowflake and gray kitty ambitiously spelled out a message for us on the day before the day before christmas.
day 24: snowflake kept her tradition of bringing harper's christmas jammies on christmas eve. this year, she had a pair for wyatt and nora, too.
day 25: christmas morning, snowflake was gone, but she left a message - and photographic evidence - for harper that she enjoyed the cookie harp decorated and left for santa.
another christmas done. another year with snowflake over. and who knows what the next year will bring, but at least we know that no matter what, snowflake will come for a visit, and will bring christmas joy and magic with her.
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