summer is nearly here, the school year is winding down, the days are longer and warmer, and the garden is about to enter Act II.
the lilacs and bleeding hearts are on their way out,
and my shade-loving friends (ie everything along the front of the house) are gearing up for their big show.
the hydrangeas are budding, both the annabelles and the fire & ice:
the hosta have begun to unfurl ...
and the astilbe are about to show their colors.
the spurge is adding some needed brightness,
but they've got nothing on the dianthus. those overachievers.
the coral bells are gorgeous, even if they are the wrong colors.
(when we did our landscaping, i specifically said to the designer, "the only color i really don't like is maroon/burgundy.")
(which, of course, translated into two burgundy crab apples, and coordinating coral bells that will find a new home in a different part of the garden next year.)
i am soothed by the fact that my beloved peonies are getting so close to blooming ...
even though the salvia will beat them to it.
and i added a few new friends this week: the columbine, and the daisies
(who were supposed to be in the garden since Day 1, but ... again ... the designer heard me say "daisies" and gave me "black-eyed susans".) ...
the lady's mantel is full and about ready to take over the joint,
and some bright lantana are now hanging out with the trumpet vines.
and amidst all this new life, there is a tiny nest in the wreath on our side porch door, full of little speckled eggs.
i can't wait for the next act!
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