we are approaching the end of henry's first year as an official Swimmer.
his level of interest and his level of ability and improvement have both gone up sharply in the last 11 months. it's now fun and exciting to see him race and get into it and make friends on the team.
where he had only "potential" last september, he now has documented ability. he's built to swim - long and lean, with huge hands, a massive (for being 12) wing span and flipper-like feet.
at his meet on wednesday, he was in four races - final heat of all but one - and he won all four races. he's gained confidence in his ability and in himself, and that has made all the difference. instead of standing behind the block fidgeting, he now gives himself props when they call his name.
and confidence in himself seems to be all it has taken to push himself more and take swimming more seriously. i get that. i was the same way. it took me a year or two on the team to really "get" what i was supposed to do, and to make enough friends to feel like a valued part of the team, like i belonged there. henry's circle of friends hasn't ever extended outside of school, so this "being a part of a team" thing is a new and important piece of the life pie.
(sidenote: seriously, how good looking in my kid?! that makes me a little nervous ...)
he still needs some tweaks, but heck: he's 12. it's his first year. he'll tweak. and if he stays excited about it and interested, there will be swim camps in his future. and he'll have a blast. and he'll make even more friends. and who knows how well he can do in the long run. that's up to him. but i hope that swimming will do for him what it did for me - the self-confidence and self-assurance to carry him through many other aspects of growing up, and a good solid work ethic. and the ability to eat five large meals a day and still have a perfect body.
i need to get back in the pool.
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